CAtomicCompareAndSwapImpl< T, n > | |
CAtomicCompareAndSwapImpl< T, sizeof(uint32_t)> | |
CAtomicCompareAndSwapImpl< T, sizeof(uint64_t)> | |
CAutoLock< T > | Automatically acquire and release lock within enclosing scope |
CEditFaceDataHeader | |
CEditMetaDataHeader | |
CPtexHashMap< Key, Value >::Entry | |
CPtexReader::MetaData::Entry | |
CExtHeader | |
CFaceDataHeader | |
CPtexReader::FaceEdit | |
CPtex::FaceInfo | Information about a face, as stored in the Ptex file header |
CHeader | |
CPtexTexture::Info | Get most commonly used info in a single call for convenience / efficiency |
CIntKey | |
CPtexReader::MetaData::LargeMetaData | |
CPtexReader::Level | |
CLevelInfo | |
CPtexMainWriter::LevelRec | |
CPtexReader::MetaEdit | |
CPtexWriterBase::MetaEntry | |
CPtexReaderCache::MruList | |
CMutex | |
CPtexFilter::Options | Choose filter options |
▼CPtexCache | File-handle and memory cache for reading ptex files |
CPtexReaderCache | Cache for reading Ptex texture files |
CPtexErrorHandler | Custom handler interface redirecting Ptex error messages |
▼CPtexFaceData | Per-face texture data accessor |
CPtexReader::ConstDataPtr | |
▼CPtexReader::FaceData | |
▼CPtexReader::PackedFace | |
▼CPtexReader::ConstantFace | |
CPtexReader::ErrorFace | |
▼CPtexReader::TiledFaceBase | |
CPtexReader::TiledFace | |
CPtexReader::TiledReducedFace | |
▼CPtexFilter | Interface for filtered sampling of ptex data files |
CPtexPointFilter | Point-sampling filter for rectangular textures |
CPtexPointFilterTri | Point-sampling filter for triangular textures |
▼CPtexSeparableFilter | |
CPtexBilinearFilter | Bilinear filter (for rectangular textures) |
CPtexBoxFilter | Rectangular box filter |
▼CPtexWidth4Filter | Separable filter with width=4 support |
CPtexBicubicFilter | Separable bicubic filter |
CPtexGaussianFilter | Separable gaussian filter |
CPtexTriangleFilter | |
CPtexHalf | Half-precision (16-bit) floating-point type |
CPtexHashMap< Key, Value > | |
CPtexHashMap< ReductionKey, FaceData * > | |
CPtexHashMap< StringKey, PtexCachedReader * > | |
▼CPtexInputHandler | Custom handler interface for intercepting and redirecting Ptex input stream calls |
CPtexReader::DefaultInputHandler | |
CPtexLruItem | |
CPtexLruList< T, item > | |
CPtexLruList< PtexCachedReader, &PtexCachedReader::_activeFilesItem > | |
CPtexLruList< PtexCachedReader, &PtexCachedReader::_openFilesItem > | |
▼CPtexMetaData | Meta data accessor |
CPtexReader::MetaData | |
CPtexPtr< T > | Smart-pointer for acquiring and releasing API objects |
CPtexSeparableKernel | |
▼CPtexTexture | Interface for reading data from a ptex file |
▼CPtexReader | |
CPtexCachedReader | |
CPtexTriangleKernel | Triangle filter kernel (in normalized triangle coords) |
CPtexTriangleKernelIter | Triangle filter kernel iterator (in texel coords) |
▼CPtexWriter | Interface for writing data to a ptex file |
▼CPtexWriterBase | |
CPtexIncrWriter | |
CPtexMainWriter | |
CPtexReaderCache::Purger | |
CPtexReader::ReductionKey | |
CPtex::Res | Pixel resolution of a given texture |
CSpinLock | |
CPtexCache::Stats | |
CPtex::String | Memory-managed string |
CStringKey | |
CPtexUtils::VecAccum< T, n > | |
CPtexUtils::VecAccum< T, 0 > | |
CPtexUtils::VecAccumN< T > | |
CPtexUtils::VecMult< T, n > | |
CPtexUtils::VecMult< T, 0 > | |
CPtexUtils::VecMultN< T > | |